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How to Make Mac and Cheese for Later

How to make and freeze Mac and Cheese from Scratch 

    I recently moved to a tiny little town in southern Iowa in the middle of Amish country. I am so excited! Land of the homegrown! I have had many adventures in learning how to make many things from scratch such as bread, pizza, cinnamon rolls, cookies, and others. Today, I want to share how I make a simple homemade macaroni with cheese. You can add anything that you like, vegetables or meat. I added today's with hot dogs, because my kids really like those. 


        Cheese (Gouda is what I used, but it's your choice.)
        Macaroni (I used pinwheels, because that's what I had on hand)
        Sour Cream

  Step One: Boil your noodles. Use a large pot, fill it half up with water, wait until it boils, and add your pasta. Wait until it is al dente. While it boils...
  Step Two: Shred 3 cups of cheese. In a medium sauce pan, melt 3 tablespoons of butter over heat. Slowly add  2 cups of milk, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 3 tablespoons and flour, stirring as you go.  and add your shredded cheese little by little, stirring constantly. (Leave a little shredded cheese behind for later) Amounts are approximate, if you like a lighter sauce, use less cheese and less sour cream. If you like a heavier sauce, add more. The trick is to keep it moving so that the milk doesn't burn and to have a nice creamy consistency. Using a wisk is a good idea. Once it looks like what you want, remove from heat.
  Step Three: After draining the water out of your noodles, line your pan with non-stick spray, fill your pan 3/4 with noodles (and added vegetable or meat) I used small disposable aluminum pans, and then spread your cheese sauce over the noodles until the pans are almost full. Add the leftover shredded cheese to the top and cover with aluminum foil sprayed with non-stick spray. 
    Step Four: Put in the freezer for up to 4-6 months. When you want to eat it, preheat the oven to 350 degrees and bake for 30 minutes, remove the aluminum foil, and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Step Five: Eat it. (My personal favorite step.)


  1. Sweetie loves fancy everything. The only exception is mac and cheese. Will be using this! Thanks holly

  2. I didn't start reading this hungry now IM STARVING
